Affected versions:
- texstudio 2.11.2+debian-1 and 2.12.6+debian-2 (and probably any other version)
- libsynctex1 2017.20170613.44572-8+b1
Affected OS: Debian Buster, 4.14.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.13-1 (2018-01-14) x86_64 GNU/Linux
How to reproduce: On closing the internal pdf viewer, be it manually by the user or be it by recompiling the document, the internal PDF-Viewer crashes.
Cause: This is caused by the synctex-package. But this problem cannot be solved by turning synctex of by changing the command to -synctex=0.
Solution: It can be resolved by doing a downgrade:
aptitude -t stable install libsynctex1
which will install the version 2016.20160513.41080.dfsg-2 You might have some struggle to resolve downgrade conflicts.
Note: Since nobody has really reported this particular bug and because of laziness, I put this little guidance here to maybe help somebody who is desperately searching for help.
Source of title image: TexStudio Twitter
Thank you for the info, since I updated my TesStudio it always crashed when opening a PDF in the internal viewer or when compiling.
I would like to ask you, how can I downgrade the syntax on Max Os El Capitan?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I have no idea about Mac OS X. I These are the files that are installed by libsynctex1
$ dpkg-query -L libsynctex1
Quick and dirty way: locate the files above and replace them with the files from the stable debian package
OS X and Debian Linux are both GNU-systems but I have no idea if the compatibilty is sufficient to make it work.
Otherwise try to download an older version of the texstudio package for OS X and (if it brings along libsynctex with itself) extract and copy these files where they belong. That way you oculd have a current Texstudio installation with only an older libsynctex